Counter: an interactive widget

Topics: layout, input data, messages


The last example was a bit boring. Lets get interactive!

extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;
use kas::widgets::{format_value, Adapt, Button};

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Increment(i32);

fn counter() -> impl Widget<Data = ()> {
    let tree = kas::column![
        align!(center, format_value!("{}")),
            Button::label_msg("−", Increment(-1)),
            Button::label_msg("+", Increment(1)),

    Adapt::new(tree, 0).on_message(|_, count, Increment(add)| *count += add)

fn main() -> kas::app::Result<()> {

    let theme = kas::theme::SimpleTheme::new().with_font_size(24.0);
        .with(Window::new(counter(), "Counter"))


The kas::prelude includes a bunch of commonly-used, faily unambiguous stuff:

fn main() {
extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;

Impl trait

If you're new to Rust, you might find the following confusing:

fn main() {
extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;
fn counter() -> impl Widget<Data = ()> {
    // ...

This is (return position) impl trait, specifying that the [Widget] trait's associated type Data is (). (We'll get back to this type Data in a bit.)


Our user interface should be a widget tree: lets use a column layout over the count and [a row layout over the buttons].

fn main() {
extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;
use kas::widgets::{format_value, Adapt, Button};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Increment(i32);
fn counter() -> impl Widget<Data = ()> {
let tree = kas::column![
    align!(center, format_value!("{}")),
        Button::label_msg("−", Increment(-1)),
        Button::label_msg("+", Increment(1)),
Adapt::new(tree, 0)

Layout macros

kas::column! and kas::row! are layout macros which, as the name suggests, construct a column/row over other widgets.

kas::align! is another layout macro. Above, the kas:: prefix is skipped, not because kas::align was imported, but because layout macros (in this case kas::column!) have direct support for parsing and evaluating other layout macros. (If you wrote kas::align! instead the result would function identically but with slightly different code generation.)

Now, you could, if you prefer, import the layout macros: use kas::{align, column, row};. However,

  • (std) column! is a very different macro. This can result in surprising error messages if you forget to import kas::column.
  • If you replace kas::row! with row! you will get a compile error: the layout macro parser cannot handle .map_any(). kas::row![..] evaluates to a complete widget; row![..] as an embedded layout does not.

Input data

So, you may have wondered what the Widget::Data type encountered above is about. All widgets in Kas are provided input data (via Events::update) when the UI is initialised and whenever that data changes (not strictly true as you'll see when we get to custom widgets).

The point is, a widget like Text is essentially a function Fn(&A) -> String where &A is your input data. format_value! is just a convenient macro to construct a Text widget.

Thus, format_value!("{}") is a Text widget which formats some input data to a String. But what input data?

Providing input data: Adapt

There are three methods of providing input data to a UI:

  • Custom widgets (advanced topic)
  • Top-level app data (the () of .build(()); we'll be using this in the next chapter)
  • Adapt nodes

All widgets in Kas may store state (though some are not persistent, namely view widgets (another advanced topic)). Adapt is a widget which stores user-defined data and message handlers.


fn main() {
extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;
use kas::widgets::{format_value, Adapt};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Increment(i32);
fn counter() -> impl Widget<Data = ()> {
let tree = format_value!("{}");
Adapt::new(tree, 0)

is a widget which wraps tree, providing it with input data of 0.

But to make this do something we need one more concept: messages.

Mapping data

We should briefly justify .map_any() in our example: our Text widget expects input data (of type i32), while Button::label_msg constructs a Button<AccessLabel> expecting data of type ().

The method .map_any() maps the row of buttons to a new widget supporting (and ignoring) any input data.

We could instead use Button::new(label_any("+")) which serves the same purpose, but ignoring that input data much further down the tree.


Kas has a fairly simple event-handling model: events (like mouse clicks) and input data go down the tree, messages come back up. You can read more about this in kas::event docs.

When widgets receive an event, often this must be handled by some widget higher up the tree (an ancestor). For example, our "+" button must cause our Adapt widget to increment its state. To do that,

  1. We define a message type, Increment
  2. The button pushes a message to the message stack
  3. Our Adapt widget uses try_pop to retrieve that message

Aside: widgets have an associated type Data. So why don't they also have an associated type Message (or Msg for short)? Early versions of Kas (up to v0.10) did in fact have an Msg type, but this had some issues: translating message types between child and parent widgets was a pain, and supporting multiple message types was even more of a pain (mapping to a custom enum), and the Msg type must be specified when using dyn Widget. Using a variadic (type-erased) message stack completely avoids these issues, and at worst you'll see an unhandled warning in the log. In contrast, compile-time typing of input data is considerably more useful and probably a little easier to deal with (the main nuisance being mapping input data to () for widgets like labels which don't use it).

Message types

What is a message? Nearly anything: the type must support [Debug] and should have a unique name. Our example defines:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Increment(i32);

Note that if your UI pushes a message to the stack but fails to handle it, you will get a warning message like this:

[WARN  kas_core::erased] unhandled: counter::Increment::Increment(1)

Use of built-in types like () or i32 is possible but considered bad practice (imagine if the above warning was just unhandled: 1).


This should be obvious: Button::label_msg("+", Increment(1)) constructs a Button which pushes the message Increment(1) when pressed.

Handling messages

Finally, we can handle our button click:

fn main() {
extern crate kas;
use kas::prelude::*;
use kas::widgets::{format_value, Adapt};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Increment(i32);
fn counter() -> impl Widget<Data = ()> {
let tree = format_value!("{}");
Adapt::new(tree, 0)
    .on_message(|_, count, Increment(add)| *count += add)

Adapt::on_message calls our closure whenever an Increment message is pushed with a mutable reference to its state, count. After handling our message, Adapt will update its descendants with the new value of count, thus refreshing the label: format_value!("{}")).