Impl-tools: beyond derive

Allow me introduce the impl-tools crate, by discussing the limitations of #[derive].

Deriving Default...

... over a method

Frequently, a type's public API includes a fn new() -> Self constructor, with Default implemented over this. impl_default lets us skip some boilerplate:

fn main() {
use impl_tools::impl_default;

pub struct Foo {
    // fields here

impl Foo {
    pub fn new() -> Foo {
        Foo { /* fields here */ }

let foo = Foo::default();

... for an enum

Similarly, we can derive Default for enums:

fn main() {
pub enum Option<T> {

// (Yes, the impl is correct with regards to generics — see below.)
let x: Option<std::time::Instant> = Default::default();

... with specified field values

Lets say we want to implement Default for a struct with non-default values for fields:

fn main() {
struct CarStats {
    num_doors: u8,
    fuel_is_diesel: bool,
    fuel_capacity_liters: f32,

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to specify our default values in-place? We can, if we re-write using impl-tools:

fn main() {
use impl_tools::{impl_scope, impl_default};

impl_scope! {
    struct CarStats {
        num_doors: u8 = 3,    // specified default value
        fuel_is_diesel: bool, // no initializer: uses type's default value
        fuel_capacity_liters: f32 = 50.0,

Note that field: Ty = val is not (currently) Rust syntax. The impl_scope macro has special support for this, besides other functionality.

Deriving Debug: ignoring hidden fields

For example, let us consider Lcg64Xsh32 (also known as PCG32). This is a simple random number generator, and as per policy of the RngCore trait, does not print out internal state in its Debug implementation.

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Lcg64Xsh32 {
    state: u64,
    increment: u64,

// We still implement `Debug` since generic code often requires it
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for Lcg64Xsh32 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Lcg64Xsh32 {{}}")

Using impl-tools we could reduce this to:

fn main() {
#[impl_tools::autoimpl(Debug ignore self.state, self.increment)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Lcg64Xsh32 {
    state: u64,
    increment: u64,

(This applies equally to fields which do not themselves implement Debug.)

Deriving Deref

How could we derive Deref and DerefMut? By using a specified field:

fn main() {
#[impl_tools::autoimpl(Deref, DerefMut using self.animal)]
struct Named<A> {
    name: String,
    animal: A,


An experienced Rustacean should know that #[derive] makes some incorrect assumptions with regards to generics. For example,

/// Implements Clone where T: Clone (correct)
enum Option<T> {

/// Implements Clone where T: Clone (unnecessary bound)
struct Shared<T> {
    inner: std::rc::Rc<T>,

/// Attempts to implement Clone where T: Clone
/// (error: Clone for Cell<T> requires T: Copy)
struct InnerMutable<T> {
    inner: std::cell::Cell<T>,

The #[autoimpl] macro takes a different approach: do not assume any bounds, but allow explicit listing of bounds as required.

fn main() {
use impl_tools::autoimpl;

// Note: autoimpl does not currently support enums (issue #6)

// No bound on T assumed
struct Shared<T> {
    inner: std::rc::Rc<T>,

// Explicit bound on T
#[autoimpl(Clone where T: Copy)]
struct InnerMutable<T> {
    inner: std::cell::Cell<T>,

To simplify the most common usage and to cover the case where multiple traits are implemented simultaneously, the keyword trait may be used as a bound:

fn main() {
use impl_tools::autoimpl;
#[autoimpl(Clone, Debug, Default where T: trait)]
struct Wrapper<T>(T);

Auto trait implementations

Lets say you write a trait, and wish to implement that trait for reference types:

fn main() {
trait Greet {
    fn greet(&self, name: &str);

impl<T: Greet + ?Sized> Greet for &T {
    fn greet(&self, name: &str) {

// Also impl for &mut T, Box<T>, ...

This can be quite tedious, enough so that macros (by example) are often used to deduplicate the implementations. But why should we have to write even the first implementation? It's all trivial code!

fn main() {
use impl_tools::autoimpl;

// One line to do it all:
#[autoimpl(for<T: trait + ?Sized> &T, &mut T, Box<T>)]
trait Greet {
    fn greet(&self, name: &str);

// A test, just to prove it works:
impl Greet for String {
    fn greet(&self, name: &str) {
        println!("Hi {name}, my name is {self}!");
let s = "Zoe".to_string();


To conclude this article, let us briefly discuss limitations.

Support other standard traits: should be easy. #[autoimpl] currently supports only the most-frequently-used subset of traits supported by #[derive] (plus Deref and DerefMut). The crate should likely support everything that #[derive] does by default, and possibly more (see derive_more).

Extensibility: #[autoimpl] could be useful for user-defined traits; impl_scope could be useful for user-defined attribute macros. It would be nice if these could be extended in the same way as #[derive] is, but that is impossible (without direct support from Rust itself). Instead, the impl-tools crate is split in two: impl-tools-lib (contains all functionality) and impl-tools itself (just a thin proc-macro driver). An alternative driver containing additional functionality may be used instead of impl-tools. Exemplar: kas-macros (from v0.11).